Each CMP campus has its own local Campus Advisory Council (CAC) which provides guidance and approval for many campus functions. The Shingle Springs Campus Advisory Council is made up of two parent members, two staff members and the School Principal. The CAC meets once a month in the upper elementary Conference Room. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings.
Please keep in mind that all parents are invited to attend our monthly CAC Meetings. We have a few “regulars” who join us, but would love to expand our parents’ involvement in this important advisory council.
If you’d like to contact our CAC Members, please feel free to get in touch with one of us:
- Erin Dorrough at edorrough@sbcglobal.net
- Julie Morgan at Jules0068@aol.com
- Sueanne Zufelt at zooocean@sbcglobal.net
- Kim Zawilski at kzawilski@cacmp.org