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Athletics Information

CMP Shingle Springs Athletics

Athletic Director: Des Thomas (

hawks logo


Driving Directions to schools in Small Schools League

Driving Directions to CMP Shingle Springs

Athletic Expectations - Contract


Boys Basketball Waiver (October)

Boys Volleyball Waiver (February)

Co-ed Flag Football Waiver (August)

Cross Country Waiver (August)

Girls Basketball Waiver (January)

Girls Volleyball Waiver (August)

Track & Field Waiver (March)

Wrestling Waiver (December)



2021/2022 Tentative Athletic Schedule

Starting in August:

Cross Country (3rd-8th)

Co-ed Flag Football (6th-8th)

Girls Volleyball (6th-8th)

Starting in October:

Boys Basketball (6th-8th)

Starting in December:

Co-ed Wrestling (K-8th)

Starting in January:

Girls Basketball (6th-8th)

Starting in February:

Boys Volleyball (6th-8th)

Starting in March:

Boys Volleyball (6th-8th)

Co-ed Track & Field (6th-8th)


Sports Banquet